Saturday, 19 November 2011


DifferentNail Designs

Therenever been a better time to renew and revamp your image. For a fun, flirty andattractive look that takes only a few moments to an hour to achieve, make aconscious effort to keep your nails in tip-top shape with new nail designs thisseason. 
Short and metallic

Metallicsare all the rage this year, and spring is a great season to sport a trendy newlook. For the best impact, keep your nails trimmed relatively short and showoff a splashy metallic look. Silvers, greens, blues, blacks  anything sparklygoes.
Greensare especially hot this year, so apply a pretty green hue to get in on thelatest color craze. Take an extra step toward creativity and find a color thatmatches your cars shiny coat! 
French manicure

Fora lovely feminine look, consider a French manicure. Beautiful pale pink nailswith emphasized white tips accentuate your fingertips and complement anyoutfit, swimsuit or occasion. For a flawless manicure, head over to the salonand get your nails done, either naturally or with acrylics.
Ifyou find yourself to be a little bit handy with nail polish or crafty ingeneral, stop at your local drugstore or beauty shop and look for a Frenchmanicure kit. Many kits include little sticky strips to help you section offwhich parts of your nails will receive the white tips and white parts willremain pink. French manicures are still in style and many men find them sexy.Why not go for the girlie look? 

Pretty and pastel nail art

Itslikely that pastel colors will never go out of style. Find a shimmery lilac orlavender, a dainty pink, peach or rose, or try other pale pastel shades.
Foran extra creative touch, apply an iridescent, glossy, pearly or glitterytopcoat. Or, for a modern twist, introduce a delicate white on your tips andenjoy a unique new French manicure. 
Traditional nail design

For a no-fail look no matter what your personal style orwardrobe options, consider a standby pink or red. Softer pinks and reds seem tobe making a strong appearance on nails, blending nicely with all skin tones,nail shapes and clothing color choices.
Redsand pinks tend to be classics in the world of lips and fingertips, so even ifyou cant find a trendy look for your nails, you can stay in style with atried-and-true color scheme. To get a little daring, gradually tone down yourcolors until you are moving from fire engine red and lollypop pink to palershades of carnation, brick and maybe even peach!
Ifyou cant settle on a particular color, pattern or style for your nails, take atrip to the store and browse the shelves for ideas. You may spot a must-havecolor or an adorable set of adornments and decals. Get a little wild, a littlecrazy and a little unique this season. Dont be afraid to express yourself andremember that healthy nails are important.

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