Friday, 18 November 2011


Thisprocedure is best performed on a lazy morning or evening when no other pressingerrands or tasks will get in the way. After painting your nails, avoid doingthings with your hands while they dry. 

1.   Using acotton ball soaked in nail polish remover, wipe off any old nail polish priorto painting nails. Wash hands and soak in warm water for a few moments.
2.   With anorangewood stick, gently push back the cuticles so they are all even with eachother once the water has softened your skin.
3.   With nailclippers, beauty scissors or a nail file, shape your nails evenly.
4.   With asteady hand, carefully paint only the tip of each nail with a white hue. Asecond coat may be desirable, depending on the thickness and opaqueness of thepolish. Allow polish to dry between coats.
5.   Using aslightly transparent pink or nude color, paint the entire nail once the tipshave dried. A second coat may be necessary. Allow nails to dry thoroughly.
6.   Once all thecoats have dried, apply a clear topcoat to protect your new French manicure. Tolengthen the manicures lifespan, make an effort to paint a clear coat on each night.Be sure it has ample time to dry completely.
7.   If you arefeeling especially creative and ambitious, kick off your shoes and match yourtootsies to your fingertips!

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