Friday, 18 November 2011


1. Use Coconut Oil on your body and face
Coconutoil is also a great tool to keep your hair healthy, shiny and strong. The oilincreases circulation on the scalp, supplying nutrients to the hair follicles.Just apply it, starting from the scalp and working it out through to the ends.Massage the head for a few minutes to work the oil well into the follicles.Leave it for 1 hour, then shampoo well and condition.
WheneverI put on coconut oil, it reminds me of holidays in Thailand, but this isdefinitely not the only reason I use it!This sweet-smelling, natural oil hasantioxidant properties to combats premature aging, absorbs well into the skinand it doesn't leave any residue.Yet another great use for coconut oil is as adelicious, gentle exfoliant - just mix it with a little sugar and rub into yourbody and face.
2. Eyebrow Tinting and Eyelash
Thisprocedure is a must for blondes, and its completely safe and pain free. Mostbeauty salons can help you with this - it takes around 20 minutes and lasts aslong as 6 weeks.
Hereare two tips that are great for days swimming and at the beach. No more runningmascara and panda eyes when you step out of the pool!
3. Blushing
Thisbeauty trick takes less than a minute and can really give you a vibrant,healthy look.A quick dab of light cream blush with your fingers applied towhere your cheeks naturally flush really adds some life to your face and givesa dewy, fresh look.
4. Spray
Aquick spray of Evian mist is very hydrating for the outer layers of your skin,and will give it an instantly youthful texture.
Here'sa great pick-me-up for your skin. Its especially good when travelling byairplane in dehydrating and stagnant air, but its always a great last minutebeauty tip to give you that extra edge.
Thereare other brands of spray too so it doesn't have to be Evian. If you flybusiness class you'll often get a free one in your complimentary travel bag, sokeep hold of it!
5. Shampoo
TryAveda Pure Abundance hair potion or Oscar Blandi Pronto dry shampoo. Or you canuse baby powder as a cheap and easy alternative. Just sprinkle it on yourroots, rub your head with a towel, and brush off.
Ifyou want to get rid of greasy hair, but you don't have time to wash it, givedry shampoo a go. The ingredients in this product soak up the oil quickly andfreshen up your hair.
6. Relaxation
Stressimpacts your body in many negative ways, not least of which is your complexion.A few simple changes to your diet though, can do wonders for your stresslevels.
Firstly,stay off the coffee as much as possible, as it can cause jitters and anxiety.Try relaxing drinks like Chamomile or Kava Kava instead.
Yourlifestyle can also contribute to stress levels, so here are a few ideas to calmdown when you get home. Meditation, Tai Chi and Yoga are excellent.
Ahot bath, to soothing music and candlelight, will also reduce your stresslevels no end. And if that doesn't work, try convincing your partner to giveyou a relaxing massage!
7. Different body parts (neck, chest and hands)
Doyou even notice someone with very youthful skin on their face, but then you seethe aging signs on the neck, chest and hands? Most people spend lots of time ontheir complexion, but forget the rest of their body.
Yourneck and shoulders can get almost the same amount of sun as your face, so youshould give them the same protective treatment. Its particularly important totake care of your hands. When you drive they get exposed to the sun throughyour car windows, and activities like washing dishes can damage them too.
Makesure you pay lots of attention to these areas and you'll be thankful later. Tryto apply a daily moisturizer of at least SPF 15.
8. Waxination

Waxingcan be a bit uncomfortable - but it gets rid of unwanted hair. What many peopledon't realize is that it can be a great exfoliant too.
Waxingnot only rips the hair out from the root, but also removes the very top layerof your skin, along with all the impurities that lie on the surface.
Thisis great before applying any self-tanning products as they will go on evenlywithout streaking. However, to avoid any irritation it’s best to wait 24 hoursbefore applying these products.
9. Pillow
Tryto sleep on your back as much as possible - sleeping on your side and stomachcan cause wrinkles. Either way, think about getting yourself an anti-wrinklepillow.
Silkand Satin are better than cotton. They are smoother and cause fewer of thesleep-lines that will eventually turn into wrinkles.
10. Lips care
Theplumping effect is immediate, lasts up to 48 hours and doesn’t cause anyirritation. The LipFusion, Maxolip, and Celebrity Pout brands are excellent.
Insteadof paying for expensive lip injections, why not try some lip plumping productsfirst? Ingredients in these products cause the lips to swell, as well asdecreasing the appearance of fine lines around the mouth.

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